Tuesday 11 April 2017

BIMarabia third issue

BIMarabia is the first E-magazine intended to spread awareness of
BIM tools and workflows across Arabic region. BIMarabia is written and
edited by users, targeted to be beneficial to practitioners and researchers
in the field. For more information, please go to
This is the third edition from BIMarabia magazine English version,
the growth in the construction industry in Arab World especially in
Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications pushing us to develop
this magazine to satisfy the needs of the market. When the Arabic
version was published, many readers asked for translation into English
or any other language, Thus, we decided to translate it into English. If
anyone is interested in translating into any other language or join our
team, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Nothing is wiser than what Abdul Rahim Bin Ali said “ I’ve never seen a
writer wrote a book without saying in the next day : If this was changed
it’d be better, If this was increased it’d be advisable, If this was moved
forward it woudl have been better and If this was let as it was it’d be
better, This is the greatest lesson and an evidence of the size of shortage
among humans.
Finally, after modicum progress in this broad knowledge
hopes to obtain admission and receive plaudits.
Omar Selim




Integration of BIM with IFC in Engineering Projects 4
BIM And Augmented Reality 8
Information delivery cycle 11
The UK BIM Maturity Model form PAS 1192-2-2013 16
The advantage of BIM through game drives and virtual
reality 18
Revit API 22
BIM in Arabic Countries 25
General Comparison Between BIM 4D Softwares 27
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) 37
Technical support for BIM tools 41
Advices should be considered during working in BIM and
Revit 45
After Facility Management 47
Mall Of Qatar 54
The BIM Dictionary 59

Saturday 8 April 2017

العدد الثامن عشر من بيم ارابيا


نتشرف بتقديم العدد الثامن عشر من بيم ارابيا الى حضرتكم و نتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم

لتحميل مجلة بيم ارابيا

ما هو البيم ؟الجزء الاول 4
مشروع كورنيش النيل 10
البيم ومشاريع السكك الحديدية 16
تمهيد وزاري من الحكومةالبريطانية 18
ماجستير في البيم 27
عواصف ذهنية 6:تنسيق العمل بين خدمات الالكتروميكانيك -الجزء الثاني 30
الريفيت mep لتصنيع الاجزاء 32
المتغيرات في الريفيت 2 36
تطبيق معايير السلامة من خلال البيم 40
Handaz 47
الحلقة 20 :الدور الذي يلعبه صانعي الضوابط في تبني نمذجة معلومات البناء 52
الحلقة 21 : المكونات الثمانية لنضوج سوق العمل 55